Monday, January 27, 2014

The Singing Together of the Church

The title of this post is the phrase and topic that has been percolating around in my mind for the past six years. I care a lot about it—have an interest in it that won't let up. I guess I am convinced that the church must keep reforming, and that we actually need to reform back to a previous time in our history and then go forward again from there. I do believe the evangelical church in the West, at least, is fast losing aspects of the Reformation that made us evangelical, made us Protestant.

The greatest realizations I've had concern what the New Testament Scriptures have to say about the use of musical instruments when we gather as the church and about the use of Psalms, hymns and spiritual songs when we gather as the church. There's a lot in the New Testament to inform our doctrine of singing, actually—much more than people seem to realize.

It's what the Scriptures say that counts, so in this blog I want to explore that. I'm looking forward to having somewhere to deposit and park some thoughts. Lord willing, I hope to begin that soon.