Monday, July 28, 2014


The beauty of having and using the songbook given to us by God to use (i.e., the Psalms), is the simplicity and safety and efficacy of it. No more worship wars! No more indecision about whether a song is sound or appropriate—all of the Psalms are profitable for teaching, for reproof and correction and training in righteousness. We will be edified, and we will be sanctified by singing the Psalms!

How we have complicated our worship and activities in the church. It turns out that we don't have to pull off a lot of complicated activities in order to please our Lord and edify his saints. In fact, all the complication and effort and busyness is contraindicated by the simplicity of what the church is to be about.

We will never be sanctified by singing the words of men, no matter how well-written the song. Sanctification is promised from one source alone, and that is the word of God (John 17:17). We have a huge solution to much of what ails the church right in our hands—the book of Psalms. Here you can find helpful reviews of the various psalters available. (That's a great website to bookmark and return to again and again for helpful articles, links and resources.)

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Links to Helpful Articles

A roundup of helpful links:

Christ in the Psalms:

"Every book, indeed, of the Old Testament is intended to lead directly or indirectly to Jesus Christ. But in this respect the Book of Psalms stands preeminent among the entire thirty-nine."

Calvin on the Psalms:

"Now what Saint Augustine says is true, that no one is able to sing things worthy of God unless he has received them from him. Wherefore, when we have looked thoroughly everywhere and searched high and low, we shall find no better songs nor more appropriate for the purpose than the Psalms of David, which the Holy Spirit made and spoke through him. And furthermore, when we sing them, we are certain that God puts the words in our mouths, as if he himself were singing in us to exalt his glory."

On whether the Psalms are really appropriate for New Testament worship:

"The quality of congregational praise when we sang from the Psalter, in my opinion, exceeded that of singing from the Hymnal. In fact, I began to studiously narrow down the particular hymns that I considered to be of equal quality with the Psalter selections. Through the weeks, that list of hymns became smaller and smaller. The day arrived when I had to confess that no hymn... measured up to the quality, inspiration, usefulness of a Psalm from the Psalter."

On the purity of our worship (really small print! but worth enlarging.): 

"No part of Christian worship is more plainly warranted by the Oracles of God, than the ordinance of the singing of psalms."

And one could go on about how the Psalms are necessary for the unity, comfort and joy of the church. More links to come, hopefuly.

Two Great Sermons

Two great sermons from G.I. Williamson on the Psalms and singing them:

"Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs"

"The Mind of Christ"

Very helpful.